Musical Pucks

Musical Pucks

Fun, Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Misc. Drills, Skating & Agility, Small Area Games, Team Skill Drills
Musical Pucks is a great game to help youngsters work on crossovers Working on crossovers can be hard and frustrating for many young hockey players. I've found that turning skill development drills into shooting drills or games can make them a lot more fun and motivating to work on. Musical Pucks is a small area game that demonstrates this tactic well. Here's the diagram and explanation: Musical Pucks 1. Put one less puck in the middle than you have players on circle 2. Players cross over until whistle 3. On whistle, each player tries to get a puck - whoever doesn't get one is out 4. Make sure to run it both directions so players practice crossing over both ways. Enjoy!! USE THIS DRILL IN YOUR OWN PRACTICE PLAN:
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Have you joined Hockey Community yet?

Coaches' Corner, Miscellaneous, Useful Products
Hockey Community is the future of rec hockey organization! A few months ago I came in contact with Alex Toulemond, developer of Hockey Community, a place where hockey players can connect with other players in their own community to start teams, join existing teams, and find other playing opportunities at their local rinks! The site is brand new, but I believe it has the potential to become a staple for rec hockey players everywhere. In the video above, I show you a few of the key features at Hockey Community, but you really have to go check it out yourself! Here's the link: This site is picking up steam fast, they've already been featured on CBC... check this out!! You're gonna love this site, check it out today! Weiss
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Timed Delay Drill

Timed Delay Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Offensive Zone, Passing & Timing, Team Skill Drills
Use the Timed Delay Drill to introduce basic passing and timing concepts, as well as offensive attack and delay tactics Passing and timing are extremely important concepts for hockey players to understand. This is a drill you can use to introduce these ideas at a young age. As is the case with many drills, you can progress this through from simple to more complex versions as your players progress. The first part of this drill develops basic passing and timing skills, the second part can be progressed to work on attacking the offensive zone in "waves," meaning if the first attack option is shut down, a player can "delay" by misdirecting, then wait for his trailer man to come in late. Here's the diagram: Timed Delay Drill: 1. First player…
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Summer Hockey Strategy

Coaches' Corner, Off-ice Training, Philosophy
How to Plan Your Summer Hockey Activities I am often asked what a player should do to make the most of his or her off season. This can be a tough question, because the answer usually varies from player to player. However, despite the many possible "correct answers," there are five main objectives that I think should be staples for any player looking to improve this summer––regardless of age or skill-level: Improve physical performance: The off-season is the time to develop your speed, strength, and size. During the summer months, this should be the primary focus for serious hockey players. Enormous gains can be made by consistently working out in a structured, hockey-specific, strength and conditioning program. Improve technical hockey skills (on-ice): Hockey players should take the time to develop…
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Off Ice Conditioning Program

Off-ice Training, Speed, Strength
Off Ice Conditioning Program From time-to-time I am offered to participate in different hockey specific programs because of all the hits this site takes each day. A coach I have known for about a year now is starting up what I think might be an interesting web based conditioning program for hockey players. Take a look at his website by clicking the image below and see if you are interested. This may be something you want to pass along to your players for the off-season. Here is a short link you can give to your players if you think they might be interested Between today and March 15th there will be different videos on the site to give you an idea of what’s to come. On the 15th there will…
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