Introduce Important Timing Tactics with the Center Lag Timing Drill

Introduce Important Timing Tactics with the Center Lag Timing Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing Video explanation of the Center Lag Timing Drill The Center Lag Timing Drill Timing in hockey is a skill that requires not only physical ability, but mental ability as well. It is not uncommon to see young players buzzing around in practices or games - they appear to only have one speed: FULL SPEED. Since they're working hard, they think they're doing a good job... In reality, it is the player who arrives in the right spot, at the right time, with speed that will be the most effective. Teach your players to pass to designated receiving areas, not necessarily to players. The responsibility lies with the receiver to make the play work. The receiver must select the proper route to the receiving zone so that he or she…
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Pavel Datsyuk End-to-End Goal: Dissected

Pavel Datsyuk End-to-End Goal: Dissected

Coaches' Corner, Defensive Zone, Neutral Zone, Offensive Zone, Philosophy, Team Systems
Pavel Datsyuk End-to-End Goal: Dissected In this post we're dissecting Pavel Datsyuk's end-to-end goal against Nashville. As great as the individual effort was, there are quite a few team details that really made this play possible. It starts with Datsyuk providing proper support for his defenseman in the defensive zone. He picks up the puck and initiates the breakout to the right winger. After making the breakout pass, he follows up the play, providing mid-lane support on the breakout. As the breakout is happening, the weak-side winger blows out of the zone, pushing the opposing defenseman back, which opens up space for Datsyuk to wheel. The play finishes with the opposing defenseman reaching for the puck, and Datsyuk eats him alive. Great individual effort, made possible by well-structured positional play.…
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Positional vs Tactical Play in Hockey

Positional vs Tactical Play in Hockey

Defensive Zone, Team Systems
Positional vs Tactical Play in Hockey We talk a lot about positional play on this blog. Positional play is extremely important, but it's only part of the equation! There are tactical elements that must be executed in any given scenario for the positioning to be worth anything. In other words, it's great to be in the right place at the right time... but if you are doing the WRONG thing while you're there, it's useless! Controlling the Stick There are many instances in games where positional and tactical must be executed together. In this video you see situation where the Team Canada has a positional mix-up, and a forward ends up playing defense. He does a good job covering for the defenseman positionally, but tactically he makes the mistake of…
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Hockey Plus Minus App for iPad

Coaches' Corner, Useful Products
This Hockey Plus Minus App for iPad is a Fast and Easy Way to Track Plus Minus During Games! Anybody who follows my blog knows I'm a huge believer in using technology to enhance hockey coaching. I recently came across an iPad app that I'm really excited about... it's called Hockey Plus Minus. If you check out the app store, you'll see there are a number of hockey stat apps that have begun cropping up, some are really complex with the ability to track tons of different stuff, some are extremely simple, and only track a few things. With all the different options out there, I figured I'd take the chance to throw in my 2 cents worth on the subject. Here are three questions you should ask yourself before…
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QuickStickz Review

QuickStickz Review

Coaches' Corner, Fun, Hockey Drills, Hockey Equipment, Individual Skill Drills, Misc. Drills, Stickhandling, Useful Products
QuickStickz is a Fun and Effective way to Develop Stickhandling Ability I've been really excited to get this post out, and let you know about a cool product called QuickStickz. QuickStickz is an innovative new way to work on your stickhandling abilities off the ice, and it's a lot of fun too! A few months ago I was invited to take a look at QuickStickz, which is a video-game-based, hockey stickhandling development system. I had seen the product before, but I'd never had the chance to get my hands on one. The idea seemed really cool, so I was excited to see what it was all about. How it Works: QuickStickz uses a special infrared camera that connects up to your PC via USB jack. The camera combos up with…
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