Butterfly Passing Drill

Butterfly Passing Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing
Butterfly Passing is a Simple but Effective Hockey Passing Drill Butterfly Passing is a great drill to work on passing fundamentals with youngsters, and to iron out technical "wrinkles" in more experienced players. Although the drill itself is simple, players should use this drill as an opportunity to work on passing accuracy in stride, and should focus on precise execution at full speed. Here's the diagram: Butterfly Passing Drill: 1. Two lines at one end, the width of the goal posts 2. Players skate in pairings all the way down the ice, passing back and forth while maintaining stride 3. At far end, players peel off, around the bottom of each's respective circle, then skate back making cross-ice passes back into the zone they started from Variation: have d-men skate…
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X-Passer Hockey Passing Rebounder

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Off-ice Training, Passing & Timing, Skills
Introducing... the Best Hockey Passing Rebounder on the Market! Over the past few years, a number of Hockey Passing Rebounders have made their way to the off-ice training market. These rebounders offer many fun and effective ways of working on your passing both on and off the ice, and I highly recommend owning one. The passing rebounder I want to show you in this post is by far and away the best one on the market today. The X-Passer is a heavy-duty, versatile passing rebounder, that has improved on some of the design flaws of other rebounders that are currently on the market. It's a lot of fun to use, and it works REALLY well. I'm excited to show you what this is all about, so let's jump straight in!…
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C-Pass Give and Go Drill

C-Pass Give and Go Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing, Shooting, Warm-Up
The C-Pass Give and Go is a great, high-tempo passing drill. The C-Pass Give and Go is an awesome drill to get your players moving. It is high tempo, and works a lot on giving and receiving passes in motion. This drill should be done at full speed. As your players get the hang of this drill, start pushing them to keep their feet moving throughout the entire drill. Here's the diagram: C-Pass Give and Go 1. First player in each line leaves without a puck, skates the "C," then receives a pass from the next player in line at about the top of the circle. 2. After receiving the pass, the puck carrier skates into the neutral zone and executes a give and go pass with (P). 3. After…
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Overspeed Agility Drill

Overspeed Agility Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting, Skating & Agility
The Overspeed Agility Drill brings in many different skating elements! I've mentioned before that technical skating drills can be boring and monotonous for many youngsters. The problem is that skating ability is SO essential... you HAVE to find ways of developing it! One method I've found to work with youngsters––and older players too :)--is to add a shot at the end of a skating drill. This tactic turns it from a skating drill into a shooting drill, and is much more fun and motivating for the players. Start with no pucks. As your players progress, add a puck, then start making them do 5 push-ups for each time they lose the puck. Players must be able to execute these skating maneuvers at full speed without mishandling the puck. Add more…
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Perpetual Backcheck Drill

Perpetual Backcheck Drill

Conditioning, Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills
Perpetual Backcheck Drill The Perpetual Backcheck Drill is a great competition drill to keep players motivated and having fun while working on their conditioning. I use this one quite often with my own teams. Here's the diagram: Perpetual Backcheck Drill 1. First player in each line leaves and receives a pass from the coach. 2. Each player skates full speed down the ice and takes a shot. 3. Next player in line can't leave until the shot has been taken. 4. After the shot, the shooter will peel off and backcheck the next player in line. 5. Drill continues perpetually. Enjoy!   USE THIS DRILL IN YOUR OWN PRACTICE PLAN:
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