Track the Speed of your Hockey Shot with this Radar Gun iPhone App!
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by the developers of a new iPhone app called Speedhero. I took a look at a few of their YouTube videos, and was blown away by what I saw:
The folks down at Speedhero have come up with a way to track the speed of a shot using your phone!
It all centers around a basic equation you’ve probably seen before D=RxT (Distance = Rate x Time). If you have any two of these components, you can figure out the third. With Speedhero, you program in your “Distance” from the goal, then it uses the microphone in your iPhone to pick up two important sounds: your stick hitting the puck, and the puck hitting the target. By tracking those two points of impact, we now have “Time” to go along with our “Distance.” From there, the program can calculate the “Rate” at which the puck arrived. Pretty sweet!
One quick thing I should mention. The current version of Speedhero for the iPhone was designed primarily for Soccer. I contacted the developers, and asked what the difference would be for hockey. I was told there are differences in the flight patterns of a puck vs a ball, and that those differences should be accounted for in the algorithm. So, when the hockey version comes out it will be a bit more accurate for us hockey players. However, this is still a fun and inexpensive way to track your progress over the summer. ENJOY!

there is an nhl app that works the same way. but i think its better for hockey as you mentioned that it is a little bit off
ya – it’s made by the same company. it’s their hockey version: NHL Hardest Shot
I tried this app at training tonight in the Rink which has a lot of echo,
Could’nt get it to work, it kept saying to noisy, so hopefully when they bring the Hockey version out, they might be able to account for the echo.
Great idea tho.Yet to try it for off-ice
Andy Linton
GB Sledge Head Coach
interesting… did you try messing around with the sensitivity settings?
i do know that echo is something the developers are working with on their hockey version. they actually mentioned that issue specifically in an email. i think they might even do an indoor and an outdoor version for hockey.
either way, this one definitely works well outside… so let me know how it goes after you’ve tried it outdoors.
Hi Jeremy,
Yes messed around with the settings,alot. I have got it to work outside in an off-ice session no problems,I also found an other app called speedclock. which use’s the camera on the iphone/itouch and it can also be used as a lap timer.
Still lots to experiment with tho, Will be testing it out at hockey school this weekend
Andy Linton