Musical Pucks
Fun, Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Misc. Drills, Skating & Agility, Small Area Games, Team Skill Drills
Musical Pucks is a great game to help youngsters work on crossovers Working on crossovers can be hard and frustrating for many young hockey players. I've found that turning skill development drills into shooting drills or games can make them a lot more fun and motivating to work on. Musical Pucks is a small area game that demonstrates this tactic well. Here's the diagram and explanation: Musical Pucks 1. Put one less puck in the middle than you have players on circle 2. Players cross over until whistle 3. On whistle, each player tries to get a puck - whoever doesn't get one is out 4. Make sure to run it both directions so players practice crossing over both ways. Enjoy!! USE THIS DRILL IN YOUR OWN PRACTICE PLAN: