3 on 0, 3 on 1, 3 on 2 Drill
Full-Ice Odd-Man-Rush Drill What's up guys!! I got an interesting email the other day from Mika from Australia. Because of the size of his local rink, and the limited number of players there, they play 3 on 3 (which sounds like a blast to me!). Anyways, he asked if I had any drills that focused on 3-man set-ups and game situations... this drill immediately came to mind! It's a great drill for imitating odd-man rush scenarios, and is also GREAT conditioning for the forwards. Here's the explanation and diagram: 3 on 0, 3 on 1, 3 on 2 1. Forwards in one bench, Defensemen in the other 2. On whistle, 3 Forwards swing low and receive a breakout pass from the Coach, then attack 3 on 0 3. After a…