3 Man 3 Zone Timing Drill
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acj6N8YdR9M This is a variation on an old classic, the 3 Zone Timing Drill, which is one of my all-time favorites! Although flow and timing drills have lost some popularity in recent years, due to the hype surrounding small area games, I do believe there's a time and place to make effective use of full-ice flow and timing drills, especially for advanced teams. This style of drill is not only fun, but is great for conditioning, and awesome for getting high-quality reps in for specific game patterns. Here's how the drills works: Drill Description: 3 players leave togetherPlayer 1 swings lowPlayer 2 swings to the boardsPlayer 3 swings high across the far blue linePasser moves the puck to Player 2, who makes a touch pass to Player 1, who makes…