Perpetual Backcheck Drill

Perpetual Backcheck Drill

Conditioning, Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills
Perpetual Backcheck Drill The Perpetual Backcheck Drill is a great competition drill to keep players motivated and having fun while working on their conditioning. I use this one quite often with my own teams. Here's the diagram: Perpetual Backcheck Drill 1. First player in each line leaves and receives a pass from the coach. 2. Each player skates full speed down the ice and takes a shot. 3. Next player in line can't leave until the shot has been taken. 4. After the shot, the shooter will peel off and backcheck the next player in line. 5. Drill continues perpetually. Enjoy!   USE THIS DRILL IN YOUR OWN PRACTICE PLAN:
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“Snake” Shooting Drill

“Snake” Shooting Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting, Skating & Agility
One of my favorite hockey shooting drills. Simple to set up, but teaches some profound concepts. This could be one of the most basic hockey shooting drills out there... but it is also one of the most effective because of the concepts that can be applied. Remember to have your players shoot in stride if they're on their forehand, and to use their Inside Mohawk if they're on their backhand. Here's the diagram and explanation:     Snake Drill Option 1: 1. players line up in corner 2. on whistle, first player in line skates up and around the top of the circle, attacking the "seam" 3. if on forehand, player shoots in stride, if on backhand, player executes a mohawk, and shoots from the forehand 4. after shot, players…
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3 Pass and Shot Drill

3 Pass and Shot Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing, Shooting
The 3 Pass and Shot Drill is Great to Warm-up Your Passing and Timing The "3 Pass and Shot Drill" is a great Hockey Drill that can be utilized in many different practice scenarios. I like to use it as a warm-up drill, but it can also be used to develop passing and timing concepts, or to work on one-touch passes or shooting. Here's the diagram: 3 Pass and Shot Drill 1. Players line up in two lines, at the blue lines 2. Each line has pucks 3. On the whistle, the first player from each line skates across the blue line and receives a pass from the opposite line 4. The receiver controls the pass and gives a pass back to the player who passed to him 5. After…
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Chaos Stickhandling Drill

Chaos Stickhandling Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting, Skating & Agility, Stickhandling
Hockey Stickhandling: The Chaos Drill The Chaos Drill is a simple and effective hockey stickhandling drill that is sure to get your team flying! Make sure you stress that your players keep their feet moving through the cones, shoot in stride, and KEEP THEIR HEADS UP! As always, here's the diagram and explanation: Chaos Drill 1. players line up in corners 2. one player from each line leaves on the whistle 3. players skate full speed through the cones, keeping their heads up, and feet moving the entire time 4. after deking through the cones, players shoot on respective goalies USE THIS DRILL IN YOUR OWN PRACTICE PLAN:
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Figure 8 Shooting and Deflection

Figure 8 Shooting and Deflection

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting
Figure 8 Shooting and Deflection is a Great Shooting Drill Here's a quick and effective hockey shooting drill that incorporates shots from the points, and deflections in front of the net. I like to run this drill from both ends so the forwards get plenty of chances to execute. Encourage your defensemen to fire low, hard shots on net that the forwards will be able to deflect. This is a great game simulation drill for everybody! Here's the explanation: Figure 8 Shooting and Deflection 1. Forwards & Defensemen line up as shown 2. First forward passes to the near defenseman, then skates around the top of the circle and drives the net. 3. Far defenseman fires a low, hard shot for a deflection 4. Forward deflects the puck then skates…
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