Welcome to our what’s in the bag series!
What’s up guys! Welcome to our “What’s in the Bag?” Series. This is where I’m going through my Weiss Tech Coaching Essentials and showing you everything I use.
I’m actually pretty picky about the stuff that I use in my own coaching, and I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about what I use and recommend—coaching gear related, so I was like why not just show everything that I use and explain what I like about it?
You can check out the entire Table of Contents by clicking the button below:
In this video I’m talking about my clipboard. Now… this isn’t the perfect hockey clipboard, but it’s the perfect clipboard at the price that I want to pay.
It fits perfectly into the side pocket of my coaching bag, and it fits my needs and budget. These are available on Amazon at the link below.
Click below for your A&R Sports Hockey Coach Clipboard:
A&R Sports Hockey Coach Clip Board
- Illustrated Dry Board of Ice Rink
- Features Half Ice Design on Back
- Includes Marker and Eraser
- From A&R Sports, the leading brand in sports accessories for over 20 years
Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.
My Requirements in a Hockey Clipboard:
- FULL RINK ON THE BACK, NOT THE FRONT – The biggest requirement for me is I prefer the full rink to be on the back because I actually use my clipboard clip line-ups, gamesheets, and practice plans. So I’m using the front side for admin during game, and I don’t want to have to pull the papers back every time I need the full ice rink, which is what I use most often.
- HALF-ICE ON THE FRONT SIDE – If I ever need like a specific half rink to diagram power play or penalty kill, I have that option as well.
- PRICE! – This is the best board at the price. I’ve had fancier boards made of better material, but your board is only as good as the clip. So my more expensive boards have still broken in the clip, then I’m more mad to have to buy a new one. The price for this one makes it so I won’t feel bad when I finally break it or lose it (I also lose them more often than I should).
- CLIP IS SURPRISINGLY STURDY – The clip on this actually works better than I expected and has taken a beating from my usage. The clip mechanism is usually the weakest link on a clipboard… so your board lasts as long as its clip. This one works well. It also sits flatter inside the bag than other designs.
- LINES DON’T WEAR OFF – The other main point of failure for whiteboards is if the lines wear off with usage. I’ve experienced that with a couple of boards in the past. These lines are solid and don’t wear off.
To summarize, this is a simple, inexpensive, reliable clipboard that serves my purposes well. And when I find something I like, I stick with it. Check it out if you want.
Again, go to the Table of Contents page for this series, and you’ll see all the other products… Everything that is in my very own coaching bag. By the end of this you’ll have seen everything I use in my coaching, and the reasons why I’m using each item.
Hope it helps! See you in the next video!

Jeremy Weiss (with his translator) presenting at a hockey coaching symposium for the Russian Federation in Moscow—2018.
Who is Jeremy Weiss?
Hockey coach and international consultant, Jeremy Weiss, has worked with thousands of coaches worldwide since 2008 to help produce championship teams at every age and skill level.
He is known internationally through the work he has done online. In 2008 he invented “digital chalktalks” which combined screen sharing with drill diagramming software, to produce a training experience nobody had ever seen before. His YouTube following quickly grew to over 19,000 subscribers, and he has produced over 130 training videos.
Jeremy runs a development blog for coaches, which has over 280 posts. He is the author of 10 hockey books for coaches, and is the editor of Hockey Development Magazine.
He was trained in the Eastern European style as a pre-teen, by his Czechoslovakian skills coach, and competed internationally as a “Wexford Raider” among the top youth hockey programs in the world including Russia, Czechoslovakia, Finland, and top teams in his home province Ontario, Canada.
He majored in Exercise Sciences at Brigham Young University, and subsequently worked as a Personal Trainer, where he continued to study and develop ideal training methods for hockey.
He has incorporated the very best pieces from the various training styles he has been involved in, and has built a world-class off-ice strength and conditioning program that fits the specific needs of hockey players.