5 Pass One Touch

5 Pass One Touch

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Dvn10-lMo Here's a fantastic passing drill that I picked up from Larry Huras over at Hockey Coach Vision. For anyone who has questions about the software in this video, I'm using CoachThem at the beginning to walk through the diagram, then Hockey Coach Vision to show the animated drill in action. I've got discounts set up for both softwares if you're interested: CoachThem.com - use WEISSHKY15 at checkoutHockeyCoachVision.com - use WEISSTECH at checkout 5 Pass One Touch Player takes a step towards middle ice, pivots, receives pass from next player in line, then passes back to himPlayer now receives pass from first player in the other line, and passes it back to himPlayer now makes a sharp turn to attack across the blue line for long lateral pass from diagonal…
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ZigZag Touch Pass – Quarter Ice

ZigZag Touch Pass – Quarter Ice

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6gSZO7PI0Q Here's a great alternative to the Circle Passing Drill if you're working in a condensed-space setting. I came up with this as a modification to the Circle Passing Drill, which I shared last week. Use this variation if you’re working with a condensed ice situation, like half ice or quarter ice. ZigZag Touch Pass Coach starts the sequenceTouch pass and follow your passLast player shoots and peels out for a breakaway DOWNLOAD PDF PRINTOUT HERE
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