The SportScreen

The SportScreen

Hockey Equipment, Off-ice Training, Skills
The SportScreen is an Awesome Product to Save Your Garage Obviously, I do a lot of hockey training from home. So far, things have been great. My kids are improving (and so am I), and the equipment I've been working with is holding up great! However, I had one vulnerability in my set-up. I have a wall in the basement with two windows. If I ring the puck off the post just right, it ricochets off and hits the window (it has already happened a few times). When I heard about SportScreen, I immediately thought it could be an excellent solution for my window issue... I was right! Unboxing the SportScreen: When you unbox your SportScreen, I recommend opening the instructions and doing a quick inventory. There are quite a…
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1-2-2 “Foosball” Forecheck: IN ACTION

Coaches' Corner, Offensive Zone, Philosophy, Team Systems
Here's a great example of the 1-2-2 "Foosball" Forecheck in action The 1-2-2 "Foosball" Forecheck can be a great set-up if you have the right type of team for it. This forecheck requires speed and discipline. If you lack either of those attributes, it'll probably fall apart for you. Here are the main key points on this set-up: 1-2-2 "Foosball" Forecheck 1. F1 "flushes" outside in, and chases the puck no matter where it goes 2. F2 and F3 set up at about the tops of the circles, slightly narrower than the dots 3. D-men set up the same distance apart as F1 and F2, but they're at the blue line 4. As the play moves up the boards, the strong-side forward hits the receiver, strong side d-man seals the…
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6 Ways to Make your Hockey Practices More Effective

Coaches' Corner, Philosophy, Useful Products
The Ice “Crisis:” It’s no secret that there’s a shortage of ice in a lot of hockey towns. Different organizations have tried to address this problem in different ways… with some outcomes working out better than others. Many organizations run half-ice practices, with two teams sharing the ice. Other programs are running “station practices,” with 50-60 players rotating through various stations. Some programs are still using the “old-fashioned” method of full-ice practices, with one team on the ice at a time. I believe most organizations are using some combination of the scheduling methods above. The purpose of this article isn’t to critique the various “ice accommodation strategies” that have been tried over the years, nor is it to attempt to solve the world’s ice scheduling issues (although that might be…
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C-Pass Give and Go Drill

C-Pass Give and Go Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing, Shooting, Warm-Up
The C-Pass Give and Go is a great, high-tempo passing drill. The C-Pass Give and Go is an awesome drill to get your players moving. It is high tempo, and works a lot on giving and receiving passes in motion. This drill should be done at full speed. As your players get the hang of this drill, start pushing them to keep their feet moving throughout the entire drill. Here's the diagram: C-Pass Give and Go 1. First player in each line leaves without a puck, skates the "C," then receives a pass from the next player in line at about the top of the circle. 2. After receiving the pass, the puck carrier skates into the neutral zone and executes a give and go pass with (P). 3. After…
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The S3 Formula for Off-ice Training

Off-ice Training, Speed, Strength
Write up from http://coachchic.comHmmmmmmmmm…  My good friend and fellow hockey coach, Jeremy Weiss, just let me in on his new S3 Formula training program, and I think it’s definitely worth sharing with you.If you have a chance to watch the following hockey training video, you’ll see how you might gain a HUGE advantage over your opponent!  And, in keeping with the way of doing things, it’s all about the science of training!Actually, a lot of the information you’ll find in the S3 Formula is scattered within our site.  However, Jeremy has gathered the best advice you can find on off-ice training all in one place.So, go ahead…  Take a look (the video contains really good stuff — and you’re going to learn some pretty valuable background information about training for hockey,…
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