Introduce Important Timing Tactics with the Center Lag Timing Drill

Introduce Important Timing Tactics with the Center Lag Timing Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing Video explanation of the Center Lag Timing Drill The Center Lag Timing Drill Timing in hockey is a skill that requires not only physical ability, but mental ability as well. It is not uncommon to see young players buzzing around in practices or games - they appear to only have one speed: FULL SPEED. Since they're working hard, they think they're doing a good job... In reality, it is the player who arrives in the right spot, at the right time, with speed that will be the most effective. Teach your players to pass to designated receiving areas, not necessarily to players. The responsibility lies with the receiver to make the play work. The receiver must select the proper route to the receiving zone so that he or she…
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3 Pass and Shot Drill

3 Pass and Shot Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing, Shooting
The 3 Pass and Shot Drill is Great to Warm-up Your Passing and Timing The "3 Pass and Shot Drill" is a great Hockey Drill that can be utilized in many different practice scenarios. I like to use it as a warm-up drill, but it can also be used to develop passing and timing concepts, or to work on one-touch passes or shooting. Here's the diagram: 3 Pass and Shot Drill 1. Players line up in two lines, at the blue lines 2. Each line has pucks 3. On the whistle, the first player from each line skates across the blue line and receives a pass from the opposite line 4. The receiver controls the pass and gives a pass back to the player who passed to him 5. After…
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Wiseman Drill

Wiseman Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing Click Here for a printout of the Wiseman Drill you can take to the rink with you. The “Wiseman Drill,” named after one of my old coaches, is a great passing and timing drill (one of my favorites!). This drill incorporates many game simulation concepts such as one-touch passes, timing, support, offensive attack, and odd-man rushes. Furthermore, there are numerous variations and options you can work through with your team. So be creative, and have some fun with this one!
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