Post-Knee-Up Drill
The Post-Knee-Up save is a controversial but solid selection, when used correctly The Post knee up save is a controversial yet solid selection. It is controversial because most goalies do not always use it in the correct situations. This particular drill will work on the Post Knee up as well as work on teaching the goaltender to read and react and utilize the save in the correct situation. Here's the diagram: Post-Knee-Up Drill:SEQUENCE 1:1. Goalie starts square to Player 1.2. Player 1 passes low to Player 2, who attacks the net from the side3. Goalie uses Post-Knee-Up positioning4. After the shot, player 2 opens up to the slot for a rebound or a one-time shot5. After Player 2 shoots, Player 1 drives low around the bottom of the circle and…