Buy Drilldraw


How DrillDraw Completely Changed my Life, and Made me a Much Better Hockey Coach

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note: one license per computer, windows xp, vista, or 7 only


62 thoughts on “Buy Drilldraw

  • Anthony

    Ok so here is the next questions, I have my Macbook and say I download HockeyShare….will I be able to send these drills to my other coaches who run Windows on their computer

    • Jeremy Weiss

      yep – hockeyshare’s diagrammer is web-based, so you can access it from any computer & it works cross platform. check out my most recent video on hockeyshare’s practice planning mode, it show’s a really slick way to share drills with your coaching staff:

      • Scott Burvill

        I have already purchased Platbook and am trying to buy Drill Draw but it says out of stalk ?? How can I get it

    • Jeremy Weiss

      you can run it on a mac if you use parallels. but no, there is no mac os version, and i don’t think drilldraw has any plans for an ipad app… let me know if you find a good ipad app though!

    • Jeremy Weiss

      DrillDraw is $174.95. Click over to the X-Tiles purchase page for all the details on that product ๐Ÿ™‚

  • mike

    Have you or has you ever heard of anyone trying to run drill draw on a netbook. Being that I have a mac and I could actually get a netbook cheaper then windows and parallel I was wondering if this is an option. Thanks

  • mort

    Hi Jeremy, I have had great success with your site. Thank You! I am a midget coach in Colorado and would like to buy drill draw to use on my Mac. I would like the pro version and all it comes with. let me know if the mac programs have been giving anybody any trouble. playoffs start next week and I am looking for an edge. Thanks again Mort

  • Michael

    Jeremy if I want to use DrillDraw on both of my computers (Desktop at home and Notebook if I’m on the road)do I need to buy it twice? What if I’m going to buy I new computer? Do I have to buy it again?

    Thanks for your reply!


  • Jeremy Weiss

    @Edward – here’s the link to the screencast software i use (It’s called ScreenFlow – for Mac only):
    Buy ScreenFlow 3

    @Ron – yes, you can export a jpeg of the ice surface to insert into your document,

  • Ron

    jeremy, i am considering publishing a hockey book. would it be possible to draw all of my drills w drill draw and transfer them or copy n paste them to my book?

  • Edward S

    screen casting software you say. sounds good but can you name a product? I am not really up on all the things available out there.

    I thought that I could make a video like you for my players with Drill Draw but I guess I misunderstood what drill draw does. I need still more software? Appreciate your advice.

    • Jeremy Weiss

      No, currently there is not an animation feature in DrillDraw. However, it is possible it will be added in the future. I just use a screen casting software to record myself drawing out the drills.

  • Joe

    Jeremy – looking forward to your Black Friday discount. Tried to order your drill book, but there was no spot for the discount code prior to the visa request. Is the code on a page beyond the visa request page? Thanks, Joe!

    • Jeremy Weiss

      You enter it in right at the checkout page. Make sure you click “update cart” before completing the transaction.

    • Jeremy Weiss

      Bradley – You get the full DrillDraw Pro (version 6), as well as 8 bonus tutorial videos if you purchase through my site. let me know if you have any additional questions. THANKS!!

  • Troy

    Am I right in assuming this is the Drilldraw “Pro” version? As there is also a “Standard” version out there…

  • Daniel

    Hi Jeremy!
    Im sitting in Sweden and want to buy this amazing program. But im using Mac and I have no intentions of installing parallels to use Windows. Is their by any chance an update coming that will make the program Macfriendly?! Best regards Daniel

  • Anthony

    Your stuff is unreal!! Ive looked over countless pages of drills and rough drawings, and listening to coachs all my life. Nothing compares to the simplicity yet detailed work you do. I have never left something so satisfied!

  • Been coaching for 20 years up here in Canada.Good to see the new technology being used. Helps my kids a ton.They can go over it again and again and as you know they are like sponges.Yes and old dogs can learn new tricks.

    • Jeremy Weiss

      Thanks man! Yes, it’s in American funds. Obviously it fluctuates a little, but I tried to price it to still be slightly cheaper after the conversion.

  • I have used Flexxcoach for several years. Have you compared Flexxcoach to DrillDraw? Can I import flexxcoach files into DrillDraw?

  • Jeremy Weiss

    @Kev – i use version 6.5.7 (the most current)

    @Keith – DrillDraw licenses are only valid for one computer, so you’d need to just pick one to use. If your computer crashes you just email tech support and request that they allow you to reinstall on another computer. DrillDraw also has a really slick back-up system that saved me recently when my computer crashed! I will be adding a tutorial video about it to our 8 free videos.

  • Keith

    I would like to buy. But I would like to work on both my home and work computer. The work one mainly just to print and email. will the free version do for my work computer? Also, what if my computer crashes? can I get another copy for my new computer or how does that work?

  • Jeremy Weiss

    Hi Linda – our pricing structure is the same as on the DrillDraw site (but slightly cheaper): the base price includes the software itself with no add-ons, then you can add in options as you wish (this can be done after the fact as well). Just email me the add-ons you are interested in:

    • Jeremy Weiss

      Paypal allows you to use a creditcard but they make it a little confusing. I can walk you through it over the phone if you want: 801-687-0273

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