Chaos Stickhandling Drill

Chaos Stickhandling Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting, Skating & Agility, Stickhandling
Hockey Stickhandling: The Chaos Drill The Chaos Drill is a simple and effective hockey stickhandling drill that is sure to get your team flying! Make sure you stress that your players keep their feet moving through the cones, shoot in stride, and KEEP THEIR HEADS UP! As always, here's the diagram and explanation: Chaos Drill 1. players line up in corners 2. one player from each line leaves on the whistle 3. players skate full speed through the cones, keeping their heads up, and feet moving the entire time 4. after deking through the cones, players shoot on respective goalies USE THIS DRILL IN YOUR OWN PRACTICE PLAN:
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Increase Hockey Speed with Plyometric Training

Off-ice Training, Speed Click Here for a printout of the hockey plyometrics diagram used in the video. Plyometric training is a great way to increase your leg strength and explosiveness, which will contribute to improved hockey speed and skating power. There are many different plyometric exercises and routines out there. This video outlines one of my favorite methods for developing that leg strength and explosive power that all hockey players need. I've had a lot of success with this routine, but I'm interested to know what other plyometric exercises you may have seen or used in the past. Enjoy! PS: HockeyShot has carried plyometric boxes in the past. They may, or may not be in stock currently. These aren't exactly the same as the ones I have, but they will definitely do…
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My Youngest Student…

I know... it's not really a "Drill or Skill," but I had to post this! We took our little boy (Tyler) skating for the first time this week. He's 19 months old, so his feet are still pretty small. The only skates we could find that were small enough were the "bob" skates that have the two blades. At first he looked like Bambi out there... but then he learned to bend his knees... by the end he could take a few steps on his own before falling. The best part of all... after we finished, he wanted to go back on the ice for more! It was a proud moment for me :) We got it all on tape - enjoy!
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Figure 8 Shooting and Deflection

Figure 8 Shooting and Deflection

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting
Figure 8 Shooting and Deflection is a Great Shooting Drill Here's a quick and effective hockey shooting drill that incorporates shots from the points, and deflections in front of the net. I like to run this drill from both ends so the forwards get plenty of chances to execute. Encourage your defensemen to fire low, hard shots on net that the forwards will be able to deflect. This is a great game simulation drill for everybody! Here's the explanation: Figure 8 Shooting and Deflection 1. Forwards & Defensemen line up as shown 2. First forward passes to the near defenseman, then skates around the top of the circle and drives the net. 3. Far defenseman fires a low, hard shot for a deflection 4. Forward deflects the puck then skates…
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How to Buy Hockey Skates

Hockey Equipment
I am often asked questions about hockey equipment––like, what brand names are best? what size to get? how much to spend? I have found that there is no “one single answer” to these questions that is correct for everyone. Taste in hockey gear is a very personal thing… and varies from one player to the next. All I can do is tell people what I like, and hopefully that helps to give a good starting point. So––today I'm going to tell you how I purchase my skates… feel free to comment on anything you agree or disagree with! There are many different types of skates out there… some cheap, some expensive; some stiff and difficult to break in, others soft and easy to break in, some wide, some narrow… you…
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