Post Awareness Drill

Post Awareness Drill

Goalie, Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting
This is a great 3-sequence goalie drill that works on many different aspects of Post Awareness This post awareness drill offers lots of possibilities. If you want to progress past just taking shots on this drill, give the players the option to carry the puck across the net/zone before they shoot. Here are the goalie's objectives on this drill: 1. Post Awareness 2. Rebound Control and Recovery 3. Post Recovery 4. Post-knee-up position (Post Load) Here's the diagram and drill explanation: Post Awareness Drill 1. Goalie starts on the post 2. Player 1 leaves without puck, pivots from forward to backward at about the hashmarks, and receives a pass from Player 2 3. After receiving the pass, Player 1 pivots and skates forward around the far cone, then drives to…
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Timed Delay Drill

Timed Delay Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Offensive Zone, Passing & Timing, Team Skill Drills
Use the Timed Delay Drill to introduce basic passing and timing concepts, as well as offensive attack and delay tactics Passing and timing are extremely important concepts for hockey players to understand. This is a drill you can use to introduce these ideas at a young age. As is the case with many drills, you can progress this through from simple to more complex versions as your players progress. The first part of this drill develops basic passing and timing skills, the second part can be progressed to work on attacking the offensive zone in "waves," meaning if the first attack option is shut down, a player can "delay" by misdirecting, then wait for his trailer man to come in late. Here's the diagram: Timed Delay Drill: 1. First player…
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Overspeed Agility Drill

Overspeed Agility Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting, Skating & Agility
The Overspeed Agility Drill brings in many different skating elements! I've mentioned before that technical skating drills can be boring and monotonous for many youngsters. The problem is that skating ability is SO essential... you HAVE to find ways of developing it! One method I've found to work with youngsters––and older players too :)--is to add a shot at the end of a skating drill. This tactic turns it from a skating drill into a shooting drill, and is much more fun and motivating for the players. Start with no pucks. As your players progress, add a puck, then start making them do 5 push-ups for each time they lose the puck. Players must be able to execute these skating maneuvers at full speed without mishandling the puck. Add more…
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3 Cone Rebound Drill

3 Cone Rebound Drill

Goalie, Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Shooting
Here's a great half-ice drill that works on many aspects of the goaltender's game The 3 Cone Rebound Drill will work on stopping the puck from outside shots, rebound control, recovering, covering the puck, handling rebounds and more. Here are the goalie's objectives: 1. Stop the Puck! 2. Rebound Control 3. Proper Recovery Here's the diagram: 3 Cone Rebound Drill 1. Players line up in corners with pucks 2. 3 players leave at the same time from the same line 3. Player 1 skates puck around near cone, shoots from above the circles, and stays at the net for the rebound on the next shot 4. Goalie tracks, squares up, and fields shot 5. Player 2 skates puck around the middle cone, shoots from above the circles, and stays at…
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Give and Go Shooting Drill

Give and Go Shooting Drill

Half Ice Drills, Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Misc. Drills, Offensive Zone, Passing & Timing, Shooting, Team Skill Drills
This half-ice drill mimics recurring offensive-zone situations This drill is simple and straight to the point. Players must learn to read the pressure, get a pass back to the corner, and execute a give-and-go. This is a situation that happens again and again in games. Learn it and use it! Here's the diagram and explanation: Give & Go Shooting 1. first player passes out to point man - then attacks 2. point man bank passes back to next player in line 3. receiver executes a give and go with point man 4. point man shoots 5. player who attacked becomes new point man Enjoy! USE THIS DRILL IN YOUR OWN PRACTICE PLAN:
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