Synchronized Passing Drill: Improve Full-Speed Passing Skills Without Breaking Stride

Synchronized Passing Drill: Improve Full-Speed Passing Skills Without Breaking Stride

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing Understanding the Synchronized Passing Drill In the world of hockey, mastering the art of passing is critical. Smooth, effective passing can make the difference between a successful play and a missed opportunity. In this guide, I'll walk you through a quick, simple, yet effective passing drill called "Synchronized Passing." This drill can be applied to players of all ages and skill levels. Moreover, it offers several variations to keep practices dynamic and challenging. What is Synchronized Passing? The Basics Synchronized passing aims to teach players to give and receive passes smoothly without breaking stride. The essence of this drill is maintaining close distance between players to ensure precise and efficient passing. You'll want to focus on moving the puck "tape to tape"—meaning your passes are hitting the sweet spot…
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Full Speed Power Play Passing Sequence

Full Speed Power Play Passing Sequence

Hockey Drills, Offensive Zone, Special Teams, Team Skill Drills, Team Systems Drills
Full Speed Power Play Passing Sequence I use the Full Speed Power Play Passing Sequence to simulate the patterns and passing lanes players will see in game situations. The idea for this drill is to instill the mindset of "Set-up, Attack, Rebound, then back to Set-up." All executed at top speed. Here's the diagram and explanation: Full Speed Power Play Passing Sequence 1. Player's line up in proper position for your team's power play set-up (in this case it's the "hybrid" set-up) 2. Place cones in positions where the opposing defenders will likely be 3. Work through your attack options, in order from highest probability to lowest 4. Focus on running through "set-up, attack, rebound, and back to set-up," with crisp passes, always executing at full speed Enjoy! USE THIS…
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