Passing: Extreme Passing Kit
Coaches' Corner, Hockey Drills, Hockey Equipment, Individual Skill Drills, Off-ice Training, Passing & Timing, Skills, Stickhandling, Useful Products
The Extreme Passing Kit is a Great Way to Incorporate Passing into your Off-Ice Workouts Passing is a skill that most players don't think about working on away from the rink. The main reason they don't think to work on passing is pretty obvious: because you need a partner to pass to, and to receive passes from... Unless, of course, you have the Extreme Passing Kit. Overview: The Extreme Passing Kit is a really cool skill pad & passing rebounder combo, that will let you work on multiple skills such as regular passes, touch passes, and one-time shots. The Extreme Passing Kit comes in two different models, the One-Timer Model (which you see in this video), and the Bungee Cord Model. The only difference between the two is that the…