Introduce Important Timing Tactics with the Center Lag Timing Drill

Introduce Important Timing Tactics with the Center Lag Timing Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing Video explanation of the Center Lag Timing Drill The Center Lag Timing Drill Timing in hockey is a skill that requires not only physical ability, but mental ability as well. It is not uncommon to see young players buzzing around in practices or games - they appear to only have one speed: FULL SPEED. Since they're working hard, they think they're doing a good job... In reality, it is the player who arrives in the right spot, at the right time, with speed that will be the most effective. Teach your players to pass to designated receiving areas, not necessarily to players. The responsibility lies with the receiver to make the play work. The receiver must select the proper route to the receiving zone so that he or she…
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Boost Foot Speed with this Great Hockey Agility Drill

Boost Foot Speed with this Great Hockey Agility Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Skating & Agility This Circle Agility Hockey Drill is Phenomenal for Developing Speed & Quick Feet Speed is one of the most important aspects of today's game. True hockey speed is comprised of two parts: Skating Power and Foot Speed. A player will not reach his or her full skating potential until he or she gets good at both. Power and foot speed can be worked into many hockey drills, which will help young players to improve their overall game. The Circle Agility Drill one of my favorite on-ice agility drills. I like it because it develops quick feet while skating forward, backward, as well as side-to-side. Here's the diagram and explanation for the Circle Agility Drill: Always facing the cone: Sprint to the top of the circle, backwards to the left-side…
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Winnipeg Jets Power Play: Dissected

Winnipeg Jets Power Play: Dissected

Coaches' Corner, Philosophy, Special Teams, Team Systems
Winnipeg Jets Power Play Dissection from the Illegal Curve show on TSN Radio 1290 in Winnipeg This past Saturday I had the opportunity to be a guest again on the Illegal Curve show on TSN Radio 1290 in Winnipeg. If you haven't listened to the show before, and you're a Jets fan, check it out here: The topic I covered on Saturday will be useful to any coach, whether you're a Jets fan or not. I also made a video dissection of the Jets power play after the fact, illustrating a few of the things I mentioned on the show. So, Check out my segment in the audio below, then watch the vid! [haiku url="" title="Jeremy Weiss on the Illegal Curve show - TSN Radio 1290"] Here are the…
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9 Half-Ice Hockey Drills Every Coach Should Know About

9 Half-Ice Hockey Drills Every Coach Should Know About

Checking & Angling, Half Ice Drills, Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Misc. Drills, Passing & Timing, Shooting, Small Area Games, Team Skill Drills
Half Ice Hockey Drills to Add to Your Drill Library With the cost of ice time going up, many teams are sharing practice sessions, especially at the younger age groups. The need for half ice hockey drills continues to grow, and has been a highly requested topic from our readers. So, instead of just doing a video or two, I put together 9 of my favorite half ice hockey drills spanning across all levels of play... beginner to advanced. I've also included a printable PDF version as well as the Importable DrillDraw files, if you want to bring all this stuff to the rink with you. You'll find the links at the bottom of this page. Here we go!! 1. Quad Passing: 1. Players 1 and 2 execute five passes…
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