3 Cone Rebound Drill
Here's a great half-ice drill that works on many aspects of the goaltender's game The 3 Cone Rebound Drill will work on stopping the puck from outside shots, rebound control, recovering, covering the puck, handling rebounds and more. Here are the goalie's objectives: 1. Stop the Puck! 2. Rebound Control 3. Proper Recovery Here's the diagram: 3 Cone Rebound Drill 1. Players line up in corners with pucks 2. 3 players leave at the same time from the same line 3. Player 1 skates puck around near cone, shoots from above the circles, and stays at the net for the rebound on the next shot 4. Goalie tracks, squares up, and fields shot 5. Player 2 skates puck around the middle cone, shoots from above the circles, and stays at…