Circle Passing: 5 & 6-Man Versions

Circle Passing: 5 & 6-Man Versions

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing This drill is can be used for working up to more complex passing-in-motion drills. When teaching new passing skills, I generally like to start with stationary passing. We may spend more or less time at this phase, depending on the age and skill level of the players I'm working with. But the intent is to workout the mechanics of the skill, without any other variables. The eventual goal is to be able to perform complex passing and timing drills, game situation drills, area passing, with game like speed and game like pressure... but we have to build up to that point. This Circle Passing Drill is a great "interim" drill to build from stationary drills to the more complex stuff described above. It incorporates a bit of movement, and…
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It’s Not a Race to the Puck… It’s a Race to the LANE to the Puck!

Coaches' Corner, Philosophy Sometimes a slightly different way of explaining things can make a big difference in a youngster's mind... We often talk about winning races and winning battles, but when you ask a group of players what are they racing to, most of the time they say "TO THE PUCK!" While gaining puck possession is the goal, it's not entirely true that we're racing to the puck, or that we're battling for control of the puck. We're actually racing to the LANE to the puck, and battling for control of the LANE to the puck. Furthermore, we're not actually racing to the net... we're racing to the LANE to the net. Once you control the lane, you control the route to the destination, whether it be the puck of the net.…
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Cross-Ice 3 Pass & Shot Drill

Cross-Ice 3 Pass & Shot Drill

Hockey Drills, Individual Skill Drills, Passing & Timing, Shooting Here's an awesome drill I came up with to add a little "flow" in a station setting. Player skates out and receives a pass from the first player in the line straight acrossTouch pass backLoop and receive pass from the other line, as shownShoot Variation: If it's going well, add the stretch pass variation as shown in the blue lines DOWNLOAD PDF PRINTOUT HERE
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Developmental “Triage” in Hockey Coaching

Coaches' Corner, Philosophy
Developmental "Triage" in Hockey Coaching Hockey is a MASSIVE game. There is so much to learn that it can literally take a lifetime to master every element. And even then… the best players and coaches are always still looking for ways to improve. So what should you work on… and when? How do you decide what the next steps should be to keep your players moving forward at the optimal pace for them? This video discusses what I call Developmental “Triage.” It’s based around a recent conversation I had with a coach, who said to me “There’s so much to teach my team… where do I even start?” We had a great discussion about it, and it was one I thought would be useful for other coaches as well… so…
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Backchecking Tactic: In Action

Backchecking Tactic: In Action

Neutral Zone, Neutral Zone Tactics, Team Skills, Team Systems
Perfect Backcheck and Angling in Action This is a quick clip that shows a perfect backcheck with excellent angling, executed by Team Canada's Jeff Carter in the 2014 Winter Olympics. In the clip we see a principle I teach my kids even as young as U6 and U8; that is the tactic of "Stick on Stick, Shoulder on Shoulder." Thinking about backchecking in these terms helps kids comprehend taking away the skating lane. Combine this tactic with our 5-Card approach to backchecking, and it'll be much more difficult for the opponent to create offensive opportunities. Here's a link to our 5-Card Backchecking video Enjoy!
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FREE Drill Book - 12 Awesome Half-Ice Drills to Get You Started on Your Path to Championship Hockey!
FREE Half-Ice Drill Book

Struggling to Design Effective Half-Ice Practices? We Can Help. Download our Half-Ice Mini Drill Book FREE.
