Check Out these Lightweight Shooting Targets for Your Coaching Bag

Check Out these Lightweight Shooting Targets for Your Coaching Bag

Coaches' Corner, Useful Products Welcome to our what's in the bag series! What's up my friends! Jeremy Weiss here with Weiss Tech Hockey, and welcome back to our "What's in the Bag?" series. This is where I'm going through my Weiss Tech Essentials and showing you all the tools that I use as a coach with my own teams. This series is on-going... so click the link below for the full Table of Contents. What's in the Bag? Table of Contents In this video I want to show you a tool I've kept in my bag for years... Extra shooting targets! But not just any targets... these ones specifically. Mine are from HockeyShot, but that's not the only place you can get them. Here's a great deal I found on Amazon: Extreme Goal…
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Hockey Shooting Targets: Sniper’s Edge

Hockey Shooting Targets: Sniper’s Edge

Hockey Drills, Hockey Equipment, Individual Skill Drills, Off-ice Training, Shooting, Skills
The Sniper's Edge is an Awesome Hockey Targeting System that Offers Plenty of Versatility A few months ago, I got my hands on the Sniper's Edge from HockeyShot. I had seen this Hockey Targeting System in the past, but hadn't ever used one before. So, I was excited at the chance to give it a whirl, and was impressed with the experience. Product Overview The Sniper's Edge fits over any standard two-car garage door opening, and comes in 2 sizes, 7' x 16' or 8' x 16' (so make sure you measure the height of your garage door before ordering). The unit comes tightly wrapped in a box - make sure you follow the labeling and DON'T USE A KNIFE TO OPEN THE BOX, as you will risk slicing a…
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